Giotto Combinato is the new multi-fuel thermo-fireplace that can be fueled with wood, pellets and hazelnuts created to allow the customer to benefit from the incentives provided by the Conto Termico 2.0 .
Giotto Combinato is the new multi-fuel thermo-fireplace that can be fueled with wood, pellets and hazelnuts created to allow the customer to benefit from the incentives provided by the Conto Termico 2.0 .
Starting from the Giotto wood version, we continued development until it managed to achieve emissions close to zero (CO 0.0013%) and efficiency of 90.15%.
The Giotto Combined 5 Star Biothermal Fireplace allows access to all the incentives provided by the State for energy saving, including discount on the invoice , Conto Termico 2.0 and Superbonus 110% .